سورة الأنفال

Surah Name: Al-Anfaal Meaning: The Booty

Key Points

  • Revealed at Madinah
  • This is a Madni Surah. It is the sequel to Surah Al-A'raf, which highlighted the aftermath of infidelity and polytheism vis-à-vis faith and piety. Al-Anfaal reveals the practical demonstration of these consequences. It portrays the way their pride and hostility of the infidels was reduced to ashes in the encounter with piety and faithfulness of the Companions-RAU, of the Holy Prophet-SW at Badr. Outwardly it was a struggle by a few hundred men, but in terms of its results the battle of Badr proved to be a turning point in the history of mankind. It altered the pace and changed the course of events. The Muslims seized booty after the victory at Badr and the question arose how should it be handled, because for all preceding nations booty was prohibited. They would pile it up in the field and a fire from the heavens would consume it as a sign of Divine Approval. If at times the booty was left intact, no one would touch it considering it to be inauspicious. It is amongst the blessings of the holy Prophet-SW that booty was made lawful. Anfaal is the plural of Nafl which means bonus and that is why Salat or charity which is not obligatory is called Nafl. The booty seized in Jihad is also called Anfaal because it is not the motive behind the struggle. The motive is to uphold the truth and the booty is only bonus for the participants and revenue for the State.
  • This booty is of two categories: Faiy and Anfaal. The former consists of what the enemy leaves behind when he surrenders voluntarily without fight, while the latter is won after fighting a battle. Since the Battle of Badr was the very first clash between the Muslims and the infidels and it was also the first to be determined who gets what. The Commentators explain that when the infidels deserted the battlefield at Badar, the Companions-RAU were regrouped into three contingents. One followed the fleeing; the second collected the booty while the third gathered around the Holy Prophet-SW for protection against an unexpected attack and also to act as an operational reserve for any emergency. All the three forces were important in their own way, so the matter of division of the booty amongst them was placed before the Holy Prophet-SW.
  • Total Number of Ruku / Sections 10
  • Total Number of Ayat / Parts 75
  • Surah / Chapter number 8
  • Ruku / Section 1 contains Ayat / Parts 10
  • Siparah/ Volume 9 & 10

    Surah Al-Anfaal Ruku 1

Asrar-At-Tanzil Urdu Tafseer

U Asrar at Tanzil Surah 8 1

Urdu Tafseer - Akram-at-Tafasir

Surah-8, Ruku-1, Ayat-1:4

Surah-8, Ruku-1, Ayat-5:10

Punjabi Tafseer - Rubb Deeyan Gullaan

Surah-8, Ruku-1, Ayat-1:10

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